
Optimize Your Data

In today's markets, data has evolved as a key factor for decision making, and access to information has become a critical commodity. Rely on TS Imagine's data team to manage and enhance your data, while you focus on generating alpha, maximizing returns and securing market share.

Level the Playing Field with Data

Data is transforming investing and driving the adoption of technology. More data, visualizations, and machine learning-based tools empower investors to combine knowledge and expertise with data-driven insights. At TS Imagine, we have a bullish outlook for the use of data in trading, risk, and portfolio management across asset classes, and are committed to investing in data sources, people and innovation.

Reimagine Data

Powerful analytical tools differentiate the most successful investors and their teams. Our technology enables faster insights, enhanced decision making, improved costs, and increased operational efficiencies.

TSImagine-Iconography-RGB-resized_4-Duo data
Faster Insights
TSImagine-Iconography-RGB-resized_10-Duo knowledge
Enhanced Decision
TSImagine-Iconography-RGB-resized_8-Duo time cost savings
Improved Costs
TSImagine-Iconography-RGB-resized_3-Duo automation
Increased Operational Efficiencies

Enhance Your Data

Save time and rely on TS Imagine to optimize your data. Our team of over 30 Data Scientists and Analysts connect, clarify, normalize, and aggregate your data so you can focus on generating alpha, maximizing returns and securing market share.
Live Price Data 
Tick Price Data 
EOD Price Data 
Quantitative Data 
Trading Data 
Instrument Data 
Corporate Actions 
Issuer Data 
Common Data

Imagine the Possibilities

Request a demo from one of our experts.