
Client Service

Reimagine Client Support with Global Reach and Local Knowledge

Global Reach, Local Knowledge 

Depend on our global support team for the highest standard of local assistance whether you need help using our applications, require technical support or need changes to be made in real-time.  

To ensure that individual user requirements are met, we provide a reactive and personalized service. 

Reimagine Client Support

Maximize your Technology with local, expert client support teams

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Immediate assistance during trading hours by experienced support professionals who have deep understanding of your challenges.

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Global Reach

Ensure systems and services are available when you need them with support teams in London, New York, Montreal, and Hong Kong.

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Local Knowledge

Rely on accessible subject matter experts across every product, asset class, and time zone, around-the-clock.

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Access to Resources

Client support collaborates with account managers, developers and consultants on your behalf.

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Professional Services & Account Management

Our professional services and account management teams work together with users to assess the full scope of their strategic challenges, delivering proprietary functionalities, best-practice recommendations, and optimized workflow processes for efficient trading, portfolio, and risk management operations. This comprehensive support ensures that users get the maximum benefit from the platform.

Imagine the Possibilities

Request a demo from one of our experts.